Profile PictureMjrna

Middle of the Night Boots

6 ratings
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Middle of the Night Boots

6 ratings

Cute, simple thigh high boots to walk the streets in the middle of the night alone or with someone you care about! ❤️

  • Rigged and Weightpainted to Zinpia's Zinfit base (can be easily put on panda or any other base too)
  • Only 10,478 Tris!
  • Simple texture set up and looks great without the use of texture provided! Add a latex looking matcap in unity to these and boom! Easy latex thigh high boots.~
  • And as always, 100% made from scratch by me. c:

Zinpia's ZinFit (Sugs #9795)
Texture work by Izzygothic


-Cannot resell this asset on its own!!

-Can be used on for sale avatars and public ones. (Please credit me is all I ask.~)

-If you make textures to sell for this asset, the textures have to be sold alone and cannot include the asset itself. Please direct them to purchase the asset from me.

-Cannot give this asset out to others, if they wish to obtain this asset please direct them to my page to purchase. (edited)

-Please fill out the VRC and Discord name slot fully when in check out mode!

-I retain the right to revoke access at any time should I find out you are not following my TOS.

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28 sales

MiddleoftheNight.fbx, Base color, Height map, AO(Ambient Occlusion map), and Roughness map

539 KB
Folder of Textures
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